Endeavour Explorer Sea Scouts
#skillsforlife Redbridge Scouts
The Endeavour ESSU is hosted at Fairlop Waters Outdoor Activity Centre, Redbridge, Essex and is part of the Redbridge Scout District, within the Greater London North East County.
The unit was re-formed in 2022, from the previous Pegassus Unit fomerly hosted within the District but subsequently joined with the Epping Forest South Explorer unit – a land scout unit. For some time the EFS Explorer unit has operated as both a land and sea scout unit, combining water and land activities. The newly separated Endeavour unit continues to be partnered with the 36th Epping Forest South (Redbridge) and the 4th Epping Forest South (Redbridge), both RN recognised sea scout units and through this partnership, the unit also operates within the RN recognised sea scout scheme. As well as working with our two partnering Scout groups we have also been building some partnerships with other Redbridge Scout Explorer groups to run joint events and camps.
Today we cater for around 15-20 explorers, some of whom also have the role of Young leader within the beaver, cub and scout sections at 4th EFS and 36th EFS, Redbridge Scouts.
In the Autumn and Spring terms we are currently meeting every alternate Friday evening except when we have a weekend activity on the same weekend and not over the School half terms. In the summer term we run our meetings on alternate Saturday afternoons and operate longer three hour sessions which are entirely on the water at Farilop Waters Outdoor Activity Centre.
If you have some time, even if it is not every week or can help with looking after equipment or administration, and think you might be interested in helping, please drop us an email.